- MF135 M5 HiPer “转必得”Lipo2000 Transfection Reagent (完全替代life的lipo2000)
- MF135-plus M5 HiPer “转必得”Lipo2500 Transfection Reagent (完全替代life的lipo2000)
- MF138 M5 Super “转必得”Lipo3000 Transfection Reagent (完全替代life的lipo3000)
- MF139 M5 Super “转必得”LipoRNAiMAX Transfection Reagent (完全替代life的lipoRNAimax)
- MF769 M5 Super “难亦可”Lipo6666Transfection Reagent (适用各种难转细胞的转染试剂)
- MF770 M5 Super “难亦可”LipoAvianMAX Transfection Reagent (禽类细胞专用转染试剂)
- MF815 弗氏完全佐剂Freund’s Adjuvant, Complete
- MF816 弗氏不完全佐剂Freund’s Adjuvant, Incomplete
- MF752 M5 HiPer Polybrene (hexadimethrine bromide) 聚凝胺(10mg/ml)
- MF762 M5 HiPer 超高效酵母转化试剂盒
- MF499 M5 HiPer 磷酸钙法细胞转染试剂盒
- MF963 M5 HiPer 植物原生质体制备及转化试剂盒
- MF979 M5 Hiper “转必得”高难阳离子转染试剂
- MF367 M5 HiPer Lentiviral Packaging Kit 慢病毒包装试剂盒
- MF343 M5 HiPer Phugene Next-Generation Transfection Reagent “赋基因”新一代转染试剂
- MF344 M5 HiPer Phugene HD Next-Generation Transfection Reagent “赋基因” HD 新一代转染试剂
- MF345 M5 HiPer Phugene 4K Next-Generation Transfection Reagent “赋基因” 4K 新一代转染试剂
- MF346 M5 HiPer Phugene SI Next-Generation Transfection Reagent “赋基因” SI 新一代siRNA转染试剂
- MF1061 M5 HiPure “难亦可”高难保存细胞冻存液(专门为很难保存细胞设计)
- MF816 M5 HiPer Freund’s Adjuvant, InComplete 弗氏不完全佐剂
- MF2038 M5 SuperFast Next-Generation Lipo3000 Transfection Reagent 新一代超快lipo3000转染试剂
- MF2035 M5 SuperFast Next-Generation Lipo2000 Transfection Reagent
- MF388 M5 HiPer Suspension Cell Special Transfection Reagent “悬浮敏”悬浮细胞专用转染试剂
- MF390 M5 Hiper Lentivirus Concentration Solution 慢病毒浓缩液
- MF1115 M5 Super LipomRNAmax Transfection Reagent (完全替代life的LipoMessengerMAX)
- MF1116 M5 Super LipoStem Transfection Reagent 干细胞专用转染试剂
- MF1113 M5 Super LipoInsect Transfection Reagent 昆虫细胞专用转染试剂
- MF1117 M5 Super LipoNeuron Transfection Reagent 神经细胞专用转染试剂(完全替代life的Lipofectamine LTX )
- MF123 M5 HiPer “凋亡灵”Annexin V-FITC/PI 凋亡检测试剂盒
- MF124 M5 HiPer “凋亡灵”Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 488/PI 凋亡检测试剂盒
- MF125 M5 HiPer “凋亡灵”Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 647/PI 凋亡检测试剂盒
- MF126 M5 HiPer “凋亡灵”Annexin V-PE/7-AAD 凋亡检测试剂盒
- MF127 M5 HiPer “凋亡灵”Annexin V-eGFP/PI 凋亡检测试剂盒
- MF128 M5 HiPer Cell Counting Kit (CCK) “飞克敏”CCK-8细胞增殖与活性检测试剂盒
- MF837 M5 HiPer MTT/细胞毒性和细胞增殖检测试剂盒
- MF216 M5 HiPer AO-EB双染试剂盒
- MF226 M5 HiPer 黏液HID-AB染色液
- MF234 M5 HiPer DAPI溶液(1mg/ml)
- MF276-01(red) M5 HiPer TUNEL细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(红色荧光)
- MF450 M5 HiPer 台盼蓝染色液(0.4%)
- MF457 M5 HiPer Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit 活性氧检测试剂盒(热销产品)
- MF474 M5 HiPer 细胞周期与凋亡检测试剂盒(热销产品)
- MF478 M5 HiPer Caspase 3 活性检测试剂盒
- MF479 M5 HiPer Caspase 9 活性检测试剂盒
- MF939 M5 HiPer “死活敏”Calcein AM /PI试剂盒(快速区分死细胞和活细胞,也可以染死活细菌)
- MF941 M5 HiPer “死活敏”Hoechst 33342 /PI 双染试剂盒(快速区分死细胞和活细胞,也可以染死活细菌)
- MF276-01(Green) M5 HiPer TUNEL细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(绿色荧光)
- MF128-Pro M5 Hiper Pro Cell Counting Kit (CCK) 增强辉光型CCK-8细胞增殖与活性检测试剂盒
- MF373 M5 HiPer Alamar Blue Kit 阿尔玛蓝试剂盒
- MF196 M5 HiPure 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA (1X), Phenol Red 胰酶含酚红
- MF196-NP M5 HiPure 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA (1X), without Phenol Red 胰酶,不含酚红
- MF197 M5 HiPure Penicillin-Streptomycin (100x), Liquid 青链霉素双抗
- MF198 M5 HiPure B27-Supplement Serum-Free (50X) B27无血清添加剂
- MF199 M5 HiPure B27-Supplement Minus Vitamin A (50X) B27无维生素A无血清添加剂
- MF200 M5 HiPure N2 Supplement (100X), N2添加剂
- MF218 M5 HiPure 10×PBS缓冲液 (pH7.2- 7.4)
- MF218-PLUS M5 HiPure 1×PBS缓冲液 (pH7.2- 7.4)
- MF219 M5 HiPure DMEM 高糖,含L-谷氨酰胺、酚红,不含丙酮酸钠、HEPES
- MF655 M5 HiPure DMEM高糖,不含酚红、谷氨酰胺、丙酮酸钠
- MF274 M5 HiPure DMEM/F-12
- MF988 M5 HiPure opti MEM 减血清培养基(4度保存)
- MF224 M5 HiPure PBS缓冲液(干粉) (0.01M,pH7.2-7.4)
- MF225 M5 HiPure 0.25% Trypsin (1X) ,胰酶不含EDTA和酚红
- MF487 M5 HiPure D-Hanks,不含钙镁,含酚红(HBSS)
- MF477 M5 HiPure MTT溶液(0.5%)
- MF602 M5 HiPure L-酪氨酸标准品(HPLC≥99%)
- MF687 M5 HiPure 革兰氏染色液试剂盒
- MF634 M5 HiPure Wright Stain solution 瑞氏染液
- MF628 M5 HiPure Glycerol Gelatin aqueous slide mounting medium 甘油明胶封片剂
- MF637 M5 HiPure Antifading Mounting Medium 抗荧光衰减封片剂
- MF681 M5 HiPure Fluoromount-GTM 抗荧光淬灭封片剂
- MF829 M5 HiPure Mito-Tracker Green 线粒体绿色荧光探针
- MF681-plus M5 HiPure DAPI Fluoromount-GTM 抗荧光淬灭封片剂(含DAPI)
- MF712 M5 HiPure 罗丹明123溶液(0.5mg/ml)
- MF817 M5 HiPure PCA培养基(平板计数琼脂)
- MF844 M5 HiPure MitoSOX Red Mitochondrial Superoxide Indicator 线粒体超氧化物红色荧光探针
- MF431 M5 HiPure 4%多聚甲醛
- MF433 M5 HiPure Paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde Fixative Solution (2%/2.5%) 固定液
- MF438 M5 HiPure DL-乳酸钠溶液(60%)
- MF850 M5 HiPure 1M Tris-HCl (PH=8.0)
- MF685 M5 HiPure 0.2M Tris-HCl (PH=8.2)
- MF579 M5 HiPure 1.5M Tris-HCl (PH=8.8)
- MF734 M5 HiPure 0.5M EDTA(PH8.0)
- MF977 M5 HiPure Percoll细胞分离液
- MF224-plus M5 HiPure 10x PBS缓冲液(干粉) (0.1M,pH7.2-7.4)
- MF1040 M5 Hiper 5M Nacl
- MF1036 M5 HiPure 0.2M Tris-HCl (PH=8.5)
- MF397 M5 HiPure “睡无眠”无血清低DMSO快速细胞冻存液(专门为DMSO敏感细胞冻存设计)
- MF398 M5 HiPure “睡无眠”无血清无DMSO快速细胞冻存液(专门为DMSO敏感细胞冻存设计)
- MF838 M5 HiPer 普鲁士蓝染色液(细胞专用)
- MF1081-01 M5 HiPer PI溶液(1mg/ml)
- MF1082 M5 HiPer Hoechst 33258溶液(1mg/ml)
- MF1084 二乙酸荧光素;荧光素二乙酸酯FDA [Fluorescein diacetate]
- MF1085 5(6)-羧基荧光素二乙酸酯CFDA [5-(and 6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate]
- MF1083 M5 HiPer Hoechst 33342溶液(1mg/ml)
- MF1098 钙黄绿素乙酰甲酯Calcein, AM
- MF1086 5(6)-羧基二乙酸荧光素琥珀酰亚胺酯
- MF1087 CDCFDA [5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate]
- MF1088 DiD 高氯酸盐DiD perchlorate
- MF1089 DiD三氟甲磺酸盐DiD triflate
- MF1090 DiI碘化物DiI iodide
- MF1034 M5 Hiper OCT包埋剂
- MF1091 DiI高氯酸盐DiI perchlorate
- MF1039 M5 Hiper RPMI Medium 1640(含双抗)
- MF1092 DiI三氟甲磺酸盐DiI triflate
- MF1041 M5 Hiper DMEM (低糖,含双抗)
- MF1093 DiOC7(3)碘化物
- MF1042 M5 Hiper 3M 醋酸钠(pH5.2)
- MF1094 DiR碘化物
- MF1095 M5 SuperFast MagBead Plasmid kit 磁珠法质粒提取试剂盒
- MF393 M5 GlutaMax培养基及添加剂
- MF749 M5 HiPure 1.0M Tris-HCl (PH=6.8)
- MF874 M5 HiPure 1M Hepes (pH7.2- 7.4)
- MF875 M5 HiPure 2×HEPES (pH7.2- 7.4)
- MF882 M5 DMEM 高糖,含L-谷氨酰胺、酚红、丙酮酸钠,不含HEPES
- MF897 M5 HiPure 1M Tris-HCl (PH=7.5)
- MF966 M5 HiPure Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix, powder
- MF389 M5 Super Mycoplasma Removal Reagent “支可清”支原体去除试剂
- MF829-R M5 HiPure MitoTracker Red CMXRos线粒体红色荧光探针
- MF1180 M5 HiPer “免超声”酶法超快高清大肠杆菌破菌液(5分钟)
- MF191 M5 HiPure Fetal Bovine Serum, certified, North American origin 北美来源胎牛血清
- MF194 M5 HiPure Fetal Bovine Serum, Stem Cell Specific, Australian origin 澳洲来源胚胎干细胞专用胎牛血清
- MF195 M5 HiPure Fetal Bovine Serum, Stem Cell Specific, New Zealand origin 新西兰来源胚胎干细胞专用胎牛血清
- MF443 M5 HiPure 特级马血清
- MF473 M5 HiPure 新生牛血清 Newborn Calf Serum
- MF813 M5 HiPure 50x HAT Media Supplement 培养基添加剂
- MF814 M5 HiPure 50x HT Media Supplement 培养基添加剂
- MF835 M5 HiPure 封闭用驴血清
- MF404 M5 HiPure 高效快速哺乳动物细胞冻存液
- MF699 M5 HiPure “睡无眠”无血清快速细胞冻存液(可以保存T,B免疫细胞,干细胞等)
- MF742 M5 HiPure 无血清细胞冻存试剂盒
- MF237 M5 HiPure 间充质干细胞无血清培养基
- MF239 M5 HiPure 二甲基亚砜 DMSO (细胞培养级)
- MF232 M5 HiPure Matrigel 基质胶(浓度 8.1mg/ml )(含酚红)
- MF873 M5 HiPure人外周血淋巴细胞分离液
- MF476 M5 HiPure 封闭山羊血清 Normal Goat Serum
- MF232-NR M5 HiPure Matrigel 基质胶(浓度 8.1mg/ml )(无酚红)
- MF192 M5 HiPure Fetal Bovine Serum, certified, South American origin 南美来源胎牛血清
- MF192 M5 HiPure Fetal Bovine Serum, certified, Australian origin 澳洲来源胎牛血清
- MF951 M5 HiPure ACCUTASE 细胞消化液
- MF1112 M5 Hiper Anti-Clumping Supplement 细胞结团阻止剂(无动物源)
- MF436 M5 SuperFast Mycoplasma Remover超快高效支原体清除和预防试剂
- MF437 M5 HiPer Mycoplasma Remover Combination 超强超快支原体清除和预防试剂组合(含MF435和MF436)
- MF439 M5 HiPer PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit 通用型PCR法支原体检测试剂盒
- MF440 M5 HiPer Luminescence Mycoplasma Detection Kit 发光法支原体检测试剂盒
- MF441 M5 HiPer One-step Quickcolor Mycoplasma Detection Kit 一步法恒温支原体检测试剂盒(溶液型)
- MF442 M5 HiPer Mycoplasma Culture Broth 支原体培养基(干粉型)
- MF444 M5 HiPer Luminescence Positive Control 发光法支原体检测试剂盒阳性对照
- MF445 M5 HiPure M. Hyorhinis 支原体活菌种猪鼻支原体
- MF883 M5 HiPer Mycoplasma Detector Kit(qPCR-TaqMan) 支原体探针法荧光定量检测试剂盒
- MF435 M5 Classic Mycoplasma Remover 经典支原体清除和预防试剂
- MF958 M5 Hiper“祛黑灵”黑胶虫去除剂(800x)
- MF953 M5 Hiper 水浴锅抑菌剂
- MF954 M5 Hiper 培养箱水盘抑菌剂
- MF955 M5 Hiper 细胞房除菌剂
- MF956 M5 Hiper 培养箱除菌剂
- MF957 M5 Hiper 动物房除味剂
- MF960 M5 Hiper“祛黑灵”黑胶虫预防剂(1000x,高浓度)
- MF1018 M5 Hiper 细胞培养真菌清除剂
- MF1019 M5 Hiper 念球菌清除剂
- MF387 M5 Super Mycoplasma Removal Spray“支可清”支原体喷雾去除剂
- MF489 M5 HiPer Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 萤光素酶报告基因检测试剂盒
- MF648 M5 HiPer Dual Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 双萤光素酶报告基因检测试剂盒
- MF493 M5 HiPer 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)测试盒
- MF494 M5 HiPer 过氧化物酶(POD)测试盒
- MF495 M5 HiPer 过氧化氢酶(CAT)测试盒
- MF496 M5 HiPer 抗酸染色液
- MF500 M5 Hiper Hoechst 33342 染色液(即用型) 10ug/ml
- MF501 M5 HiPer 超敏免疫组化试剂盒
- MF607 M5 HiPer 丙二醛(MDA)检测试剂盒
- MF608 M5 HiPer 植物可溶性糖含量检测试剂盒
- MF605 M5 HiPer 酸性α-乙酸萘酚酯酶染色液(ANAE法)
- MF639 M5 HiPer 土壤脱氢酶(SDHA)检测试剂盒
- MF640 M5 HiPer 土壤多酚氧化酶(PPO)检测试剂盒
- MF641 M5 HiPer 抗坏血酸(AsA)含量测试盒
- MF644 M5 HiPer 土壤酸性磷酸酶(S-ACP)检测试剂盒 微量法
- MF642 M5 HiPer 组织及血液碱性磷酸酶(AKP/ALP)测试盒 微量法
- MF671 M5 HiPer 甘油三酯含量检测试剂盒
- MF673 M5 HiPer 碱性磷酸酶(AP)染色液(偶氮偶联法)
- MF680 M5 HiPer 淀粉含量检测试剂盒
- MF683 M5 HiPure 10×多聚赖氨酸
- MF688 M5 HiPure 瑞氏-姬姆萨复合染液
- MF808 M5 HiPer ATP检测试剂盒
- MF809 M5 HiPer 总一氧化氮检测试剂盒
- MF839 M5 HiPer 线粒体提取试剂盒
- MF759 M5 HiPer GUS染色试剂盒
- MF890 M5 HiPer 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX) 活性检测试剂盒
- MF1037 M5 HiPer PKH26红色荧光细胞链接试剂盒 PKH26 Red Fluorescent Cell Linker Kit
- MF1038-01 M5 Hiper植物叶绿素(chlorophyll)含量检测试剂盒(可见分光光度法)
- MF334 M5 HiPer 总胆固醇(TC)含量检测试剂盒
- MF335 M5 HiPer 游离脂肪酸(FFA)含量检测试剂盒
- MF386 M5 HiPer 线粒体膜电位检测试剂盒(JC-1)
- MF750 M5 HiPer 土壤亚硝酸还原酶检测试剂盒 微量法
- MF754 M5 HiPer 糖原含量检测试剂盒
- MF755 M5 HiPer 双缩脲法蛋白含量检测试剂盒
- MF764 M5 HiPer 多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性检测试剂盒
- MF840 M5 HiPer 细胞核提取试剂盒
- MF993 M5 HiPer 戊二醛固定液(电镜专用,2.5%)
- MF894 M5 HiPer 苏木素伊红(HE)染色试剂盒
- MF943 M5 HiPer DiR小动物活体成像荧光试剂
- MF944 M5 Hiper zamboni固定液
- MF973 M5 Hiper 土壤酸性蛋白酶活性检测试剂盒
- MF974 M5 Hiper 土壤蔗糖酶(S-SC)活性检测试剂盒
- MF981 M5 Hiper Masson三色染色试剂盒
- MF986 M5 Hiper 革兰氏染色试剂盒
- MF990 M5 HiPer 苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性检测试剂盒
- MF891 M5 HiPer 土壤脲酶(S-UE)活性检测试剂盒
- MF986 M5 Hiper 革兰氏染色试剂盒
- MF997 M5 HiPer 细胞膜PKH67标记试剂盒
- MF1120 M5 HiPer 葡萄糖含量检测试剂盒
- MFRP015 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human IL-2
- MFRP014 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human TGF-beta 1/TGFB1
- MFRP013 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor/hEGF
- MFP06027 M5 HiPer 重组人GDNF
- MFP06026 M5 HiPer 重组人NT3
- MFP06024 M5 HiPer 重组人EGF
- MFP06023 M5 HiPer 重组人GDF3
- MFP06014 M5 HiPer 重组人BMP4
- MFP06005 M5 HiPer 重组人CCL5
- MFP06009 M5 HiPer 重组人BDNF
- MFP06008 M5 HiPer 重组人VEGF165
- MFP06039 M5 HiPer 重组人TPO
- MFP06038 M5 HiPer 重组人NRG-1(Neuregulin-1)
- MFP06037 M5 HiPer 重组人LIF
- MFP06036 M5 HiPer 重组人SCF
- MFP06033 M5 HiPer 重组人bFGF
- MFP06032 M5 HiPer 重组人BAFF
- MFP06031 M5 HiPer 重组人Activin A
- MFP06011 M5 HiPer 重组人IL1β
- MFP06007 M5 HiPer 重组人IL7
- MFP06006 M5 HiPer 重组人IL6
- MFP06015 M5 HiPer 重组人IL15
- MFP06018 M5 HiPer 重组人IL18
- MFP06010 M5 HiPer 重组人IL1α
- MFP06004 M5 HiPer 重组人IL4
- MFP06003 M5 HiPer 重组人Flt3配体(Flt3L)
- MFP06002 M5 HiPer 人长R3胰岛素样生长因子(LR3 IGF-I)
- MFP06001 M5 HiPer 重组人纤维连接蛋白片段(Human Fibronectin Fragment)
- MFRP017 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human IFN-a
- MFRP014 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human TGF-beta 1/TGFB1
- MFRP016 M5 HiPer Recombinant Human IFN-γ
- MF824 M5 HiPure SOC Medium
- MF238 M5 HiPure Rooting powder 生根粉
- MF455 M5 HiPure THB肉汤 Todd-Hewitt肉汤
- MF633 M5 HiPure LB肉汤
- MF470 M5 HiPure 马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA培养基)
- MF416 M5 HiPure Tryptone 胰蛋白胨
- MF415 M5 HiPure Yeast Extract Powder 酵母粉
- MF424 M5 HiPure Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium without Vitamins(MS培养基,粉末)
- MF424-V M5 HiPure Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium with Vitamins (MS培养基,粉末)
- MF446 M5 HiPure 即用型氨苄抗性LB液体培养基(红色盖)
- MF447 M5 HiPure 即用型卡那抗性LB液体培养基(蓝色盖)
- MF448 M5 HiPure 即用型无抗性LB液体培养基(无色盖)
- MF370 M5 HiPure 预混型LB培养基(含琼脂)
- MF371 M5 HiPure 预混型LB培养基(含琼脂)即用袋(250ml/袋,10袋/包)
- MF449 M5 HiPure 三抗 青霉素-链霉素-两性霉素
- MF454 M5 HiPure SuperZeocin Selection Antibiotic (100 mg/mL) 博来霉素
- MF632 M5 HiPure 特美汀(新型革兰氏阴性菌抗生素)
- MF490 M5 HiPure 氨苄青霉素溶液(100mg/ml)
- MF790 M5 HiPure 卡那霉素溶液(100mg/ml)
- MF643 M5 HiPure 氯霉素溶液(34mg/ml)
- MF491 M5 HiPure IPTG Solution IPTG溶液(100mM)
- MF689 M5 HiPure X-Gal Solution , 20 mg/ml
- MF606 M5 HiPure Basta 除草剂 10%溶液
- MF1054 M5 HiPure 盐酸四环素(50mg/ml)
- MF1055 M5 HiPure 硫酸链霉素(50mg/ml)
- MF369 M5 HiPure Hygromycin B 潮霉素B溶液(50mg/ml,即用型)
- MF1102-01 M5 HiPure Streptozocin 链脲菌素(50mg+溶解buffer,糖尿病动物造模)
- MF1103 M5 HiPure 利福平(50mg/ml)
- MF368 M5 HiPure G-418 Sulfate 遗传霉素溶液(50mg/ml)
- MF336 M5 HiPure 庆大霉素溶液(50mg/ml)
- MF2010 M5 HiPure YPD Medium
- MF2011 M5 HiPure YPDA Medium
- MF2020 M5 HiPure YPD Agar Medium
- MF2021 M5 HiPure YPDA Agar Medium
- MF2030 M5 HiPure Minimal SD Base
- MF2040 M5 HiPure Minimal SD Agar Base
- MF2050 M5 HiPure Minimal SD Base Gal/Raf
- MF2060 M5 HiPure Minimal SD Agar Base Gal/Raf
- MF2070 M5 HiPure YNB/Yeast Nitrogen Base (without Amino Acids)
- MF2100 M5 HiPure Total Yeast Culture Amino acid Premixed Powder
- MF2110 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp
- MF2130 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Leu
- MF2140 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp
- MF2150 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Leu/-Trp
- MF2160 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura
- MF2180 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Trp/-Ura
- MF2190 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Ura
- MF2200 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu
- MF2210 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu/-Met/-Trp
- MF2230 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu/-Trp/-Ura
- MF2240 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Met/-Trp
- MF2250 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Trp
- MF2260 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Trp/-Ura
- MF2280 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Trp/-His
- MF2290 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Ura/-Leu
- MF2300 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Trp/-His/-Ade
- MF2310 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Trp/-Ade
- MF2111 M5 HiPureSD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2112 M5 HiPure SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp with Agar
- MF2113 M5 HiPure SC/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2121 M5 HiPure SD/-His Broth
- MF2122 M5 HiPure SD/-His with Agar
- MF2123 M5 HiPure SC/-His Broth
- MF2131 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu Broth
- MF2132 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu with Agar
- MF2133 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Leu Broth
- MF2141 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2142 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp with Agar
- MF2143 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2151 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2152 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp with Agar
- MF2153 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2161 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2162 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura with Agar
- MF2163 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2171 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Ura Broth
- MF2172 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Leu/-Ura with Agar
- MF2173 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Leu/-Ura Broth
- MF2181 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2182 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Trp/-Ura with Agar
- MF2183 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2191 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Ura Broth
- MF2192 M5 HiPure SD/-His/-Ura with Agar
- MF2193 M5 HiPure SC/-His/-Ura Broth
- MF2201 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu Broth
- MF2202 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu with Agar
- MF2203 M5 HiPure SC/-Leu Broth
- MF2211 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2212 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Met/-Trp with Agar
- MF2213 M5 HiPure SC/-Leu/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2221 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2222 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Trp with Agar
- MF2223 M5 HiPure SC/-Leu/-Trp Broth
- MF2231 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2232 M5 HiPure SD/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura with Agar
- MF2233 M5 HiPure SC/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2241 M5 HiPure SD/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2242 M5 HiPure SD/-Met/-Trp with Agar
- MF2243 M5 HiPure SC/-Met/-Trp Broth
- MF2251 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp Broth
- MF2252 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp with Agar
- MF2253 M5 HiPure SC/-Trp Broth
- MF2261 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2262 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-Ura with Agar
- MF2263 M5 HiPure SC/-Trp/-Ura Broth
- MF2271 M5 HiPure SD/-Ura Broth
- MF2270 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Ura
- MF2272 M5 HiPure SD/-Ura with Agar
- MF2273 M5 HiPure SC/-Ura Broth
- MF2281 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-His Broth
- MF2282 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-His with Agar
- MF2283 M5 HiPure SC/-Trp/-His Broth
- MF2291 M5 HiPure SD/-Ura/-Leu Broth
- MF2292 M5 HiPure SD/-Ura/-Leu with Agar
- MF2293 M5 HiPure SC/-Ura/-Leu Broth
- MF2301 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-His/-Ade Broth
- MF2302 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-His/-Ade with Agar
- MF2303 M5 HiPure SC/-Trp/-His/-Ade Broth
- MF2311 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-Ade Broth
- MF2312 M5 HiPure SD/-Trp/-Ade with Agar
- MF2313 M5 HiPure SC/-Trp/-Ade Broth
- MF2314 M5 HiPure Aureobasidin A 金担子素A(甲醇溶液,浓度为1mg/ml的母液)
- MF2315 M5 HiPure X-a-gal
- MF2350 M5 Hipure SC with amino acid Broth
- MF1231 M5 HiPure Adenine Sulfate
- MF2110 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp
- MF2120 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His
- MF2170 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-His/-Leu/-Ura
- MF2316 M5 HiPure 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole 3-AT(3-氨基-1,2,4-三唑)
- MF2330 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Ura/-Ade
- MF2340 M5 HiPure Glucose Anhydrous(酵母培养基专用无水葡萄糖)
- MF0790-01 M5 HiPure MSA Medium 甘露醇氯化钠培养基
- MF2320 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Met
- MF2200 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu
- MF2220 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu/-Trp
- MF2460 M5 HiPure DO Supplement-Leu/-Met/-Trp/-Ura